7 Reasons to Go For Odoo Customization

Odoo Customization is one of those dark spots in the ERP industry that no one wants to speak about them. Many companies believe in out of the box solution, but that brings new problems in the long run. Companies should understand that cutting edge ERP solutions are those that are custom built.

Statistics might not be on the side of the Odoo customization, but it’s a known fact that Odoo customization has tons of benefits and can actually improve the business process of the organization. If the Odoo ERP is customized according to the requirements of the organization, tons of frustration and training efforts can be minimized.

Today, we will go through 7 Reasons for Odoo Customization and why your business should also embrace it.

1. Process Extension
Not all processes are equal and they might require some customization to work better. A Business process might need to be extended to offer a new feature or functionality. The new feature or functionality requires the Odoo platform to be customized. Also, process extension can improve synergy within the system, improving productivity and efficiency.

2. Additional Features
No employee want to work with 3 screens at the same time, nor anyone want to see the extra drop boxes in the form fillup. There are always more chances that these things can easily frustrate the employees. To achieve optimal usage of the ERP solution, additional features must be incorporated within the workflow of the ERP solution. With additional features integrated to cater the needs of the business and the workers, chances are that everyone would be extremely happy with the system.

3. Interface Simplification
No one wants clusters. Simple interface improves productivity and focus. This is also true in the case of the Odoo ERP Services. There are many cases when the employee has to juggle with three or more screens to perform a simple task. The more viable solution would be to integrate all the fields into one screen and that can only be done by Odoo customization.

4. Identify Adaptation
Not every business or company are same. They hold different identity in the market and their reports, business brochures and another form of data reflect the identity. To gain the unique identity, businesses need to do Odoo customization. Customization is required to help businesses impose their own identity on their stockholders and customers.

5. Mobility
Not all ERP solutions are mobile in nature. For mobile operation, the system needs to be customized accordingly. With the help of Odoo customization, the business can easily make their ERP system mobile in nature.

6. Increase Adaption
Adaptation is necessary for creating value for the business. The market is dynamic in nature and to survive in this complex environment, the systems need to be customized accordingly. This increases the adaptive nature of the system and prevents the system to run out of fuel in the future. The more flexible or customizable the system, the more adaptive the system becomes.

7. Increase application LifeSpan
Applications are the cornerstone of the business process. They provide the vital features and functionality. To achieve both long-term success and application lifespan, business needs to customize their ERP solution.

With customized erp solution the business can achieve more. For more information about Odoo customization, contact us at enquiry@73lines.com

By 73lines